How to Clear Cache on PS5 – Easy and Effective Methods to Boost Performance

Is your PlayStation 5 running slow or experiencing glitches? Clearing the cache can often help resolve these issues and improve your gaming experience. The cache on your PS5 is a temporary storage area that stores data to help speed up your system. However, over time, the cache can become cluttered with outdated files, leading to performance issues. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of clearing the cache on your PS5, ensuring optimal performance and smooth gameplay.

Before we begin, it’s important to note that clearing the cache on your PS5 will not delete any of your saved game data or settings. This process will only remove temporary files that are no longer needed. With that said, let’s get started!

Step 1: Power off your PS5

The first step in clearing the cache on your PS5 is to power off your console completely. Make sure your console is not in sleep mode, but fully powered off.

Step 2: Unplug the power cord

Once your console is turned off, unplug the power cord from the back of the PS5. This ensures that there is no power running to the console while you clear the cache.

Step 3: Wait for a few minutes

Leave your console unplugged for at least a few minutes. This allows the cache to completely clear and any residual power to dissipate.

Step 4: Plug in the power cord and turn on your PS5

After waiting for a few minutes, plug the power cord back into the PS5 and turn on your console. You should notice that your PS5 is now running smoother and faster, as the cache has been cleared.

By following these simple steps, you can easily clear the cache on your PS5 and improve its performance. It is recommended to periodically clear the cache to ensure optimal system functioning. Now you can enjoy your gaming sessions without any slowdowns or glitches!

Why Clearing Cache is Important

Clearing the cache on your PS5 is an important maintenance task that every user should perform regularly. The cache is a temporary storage location where the console stores data and files for faster access. Over time, the cache can become filled with unnecessary or outdated content, resulting in a variety of issues.

Here are several reasons why clearing the cache is important:

1. Improved Performance Clearing the cache can help improve the overall performance of your PS5. By removing outdated or unnecessary files, your console can run faster and smoother. This is particularly important for gaming, as a faster console can result in quicker load times and reduced lag.
2. Resolves Glitches and Errors Clearing the cache can often resolve glitches, freezes, or other errors that may occur on your PS5. When the cache becomes full or corrupted, it can lead to issues such as game crashes, freezing screens, or even system crashes. Clearing the cache can help fix these problems and ensure a more stable gaming experience.
3. Frees up Storage Space Over time, the cache can take up a significant amount of storage space on your PS5. By clearing the cache, you can free up this space for other files or games. This is especially important if you have a limited amount of storage available on your console.
4. Updates and Improvements Clearing the cache can also help ensure that your PS5 is running on the latest updates and improvements. Sometimes, cached files can prevent your console from properly applying updates or accessing new features. By clearing the cache, you can ensure that your console is up to date and functioning optimally.

Overall, clearing the cache on your PS5 is an important maintenance task that can improve performance, resolve glitches, free up storage space, and ensure your console is up to date. It’s recommended to perform this task regularly to keep your PS5 running smoothly and to enhance your gaming experience.

Step 1: Accessing the Settings Menu

To clear the cache on your PS5, you’ll need to access the Settings menu. Follow these steps:

  1. Turn on your PS5 and wait for it to fully load.
  2. On the home screen, navigate to the top right corner and select the gear icon to open the Settings menu.
  3. In the Settings menu, scroll down and select “Storage”.
  4. Next, choose “Console Storage”.
  5. Select “Clear Cache” to proceed.

By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to access the Settings menu and get ready to clear the cache on your PS5.

Step 2: Selecting System

Once you have successfully logged in to your PS5 console, it’s time to clear the cache. To do this, you need to navigate to the System settings.

1. Navigate to the Home Screen

Press the PS button on your controller to go back to the Home screen.

2. Open the Settings Menu

On the Home screen, scroll towards the right and select the “Settings” icon. It is represented by a cogwheel symbol.

3. Access the System Settings

In the Settings menu, you will see various options. Scroll down and select the “System” option. It is usually located towards the bottom of the list.

4. Choose System Software

In the System settings, you will find different options related to your console’s software. Scroll down and select the “System Software” option.

5. Clear Cache

Finally, in the System Software settings, you will see the option to clear the cache. Select the “Clear Cache” option to proceed.

Following these steps will guide you to the process of clearing the cache on your PS5 console.

Step 3: Clearing Cache

Clearing the cache on your PS5 can help resolve performance issues and ensure smooth gameplay. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Power off your PS5

To start the cache-clearing process, make sure your PS5 console is turned off. This will prevent any data corruption while clearing the cache.

  1. Enter Safe Mode

Press and hold the power button on your PS5 for at least seven seconds. You will hear a second beep indicating that the console has entered Safe Mode.

Note: If your PS5 is connected to a TV or monitor with HDR support, Safe Mode will automatically disable HDR and set the default resolution to 1080p.

  1. Connect the DualSense controller

Connect your DualSense controller to the console using the provided USB cable. This will allow you to navigate and select options in the Safe Mode menu.

  1. Select “Clear Cache”

In Safe Mode, you will see a list of options. Use the controller’s navigation buttons to select “Clear Cache” and press the X button to confirm. This will clear the cache on your PS5.

  1. Restart your PS5

After clearing the cache, select the “Restart PS5” option in the Safe Mode menu and press the X button. Your PS5 will restart and the cache will be cleared.

Note: Clearing the cache will not delete any of your saved data or games.

Step 4: Confirming the Cache Clearing

After you have selected the “Clear Cache” option, a pop-up message will appear on your screen asking you to confirm the action. This step is crucial as it ensures that you do not accidentally delete any important data or settings.


  1. Read the pop-up message carefully to understand the consequences of clearing the cache.
  2. Confirm your decision by selecting the “Yes” or “Confirm” option.

Once you have confirmed the cache clearing, the PS5 system will begin deleting all temporary files and data stored in the cache. The process may take a few moments depending on the amount of data to be cleared.

It is important to note that clearing the cache does not remove any personal data, such as saved games or user profiles. It primarily clears temporary files and system cache, which can help improve system performance and fix certain issues.

Troubleshooting Tips:

If you encounter any issues during or after the cache clearing process, try these troubleshooting tips:

Issue Troubleshooting Tip
System freezing or crashing Power off the PS5 entirely, wait a few minutes, and then turn it back on.
Error messages or glitches Check for system updates and install them if available. If the issue persists, contact PlayStation Support for further assistance.
Slow loading times Ensure that your internet connection is stable and try clearing the cache again.

By following these steps, you can easily confirm the cache clearing process on your PS5 and troubleshoot any potential issues that may arise. Clearing the cache regularly can help maintain optimal system performance and resolve any cache-related problems.

Step 5: Restarting the PS5

After clearing the cache on your PS5, you’ll want to restart the console to ensure the changes take effect. Here’s how you can do it:

1. On your PS5 controller, press and hold the power button located on the front of the console.
2. You will hear a beep sound when you first press the power button. Continue holding the button until you hear a second beep, which usually takes around 7 seconds.
3. Release the power button once you hear the second beep. The PS5 will now enter into safe mode.
4. Using your controller, select the “Restart PS5” option from the safe mode menu.
5. Confirm your selection by pressing the X button on the controller.
6. The PS5 will now restart, and any cached data that was cleared will be refreshed when the console boots up again.

Once the PS5 has restarted, you can go ahead and check if the cache clearing process has resolved any issues you were experiencing. If the issue persists, you may need to consider other troubleshooting steps or contacting Sony support for further assistance.

Question-Answer: How to clear cache on ps5

What does “clear cache and rebuild database” mean on a PlayStation console?

This process involves deleting temporary data stored in the console’s cache and reorganizing the database to enhance the system’s efficiency and performance.

How can I clear the system software cache on my PS4?

To clear the system software cache on a PS4, completely turn off the console, then press and hold the power button for three seconds until you hear one beep.

Is there a way to clear the system software cache on a PS5?

Yes, to clear the system software cache on a PS5, you need to navigate the safe mode menu and select the option to clear your cache.

What should I do if my PS5 shows slow performance or connectivity issues?

Consider clearing the PS5 cache. This can resolve minor problems like slow performance or connectivity issues by removing temporary data.

How can I reset my PlayStation 5 to improve its performance?

Resetting your PS5 to default settings or clearing the cache can significantly improve console’s performance by removing corrupted files and troubleshooting issues.

What are the steps to clear the cache on PS5?

To clear the cache on PlayStation 5, completely turn off your PS5, wait for the power indicator to turn off, then turn on the console in safe mode and choose the option to clear the cache.

Why might I need to know how to clear the cache on my PlayStation?

Knowing how to clear the cache on your PlayStation is useful for resolving issues like game or app crashes, slow performance, or minor glitches.

What are the consequences of a full cache on a PlayStation console?

A full cache on a PlayStation console can lead to slow performance, game errors, and sometimes even connectivity issues.

How do I access safe mode to clear the cache on a PS4?

To access safe mode on a PS4, completely turn off the console, then press and hold the power button. Release it after you hear two beeps: one immediately and another seven seconds later.

What should I do if my PlayStation’s game cache becomes corrupted?

If your PlayStation’s game cache becomes corrupted, you should clear your cache or reset the console to factory settings to fix the problem.